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Job Service Portal Case Study - Wordsys Technology

An Insight Into Our Overall Approach

A client approached our company who wanted to create an online job portal for his company. He wanted us to build this portal to access all the data of his employees without any hassle. In addition, he wanted a portal that would organize the profiles of the employees in a manner so that it eases down daily office functions.

A Peek Into The Requirements

The client was very clear about his requirements; he wanted to characterize the portal by certain specific information and features. He wanted the portal to come with the option of uploading resumes of potential candidates. It should also include spaces where the candidates can have their details like phone numbers and email IDs.

Finally, the portal must have the feature to carry the application to us automatically. His focus was to make the process of applying for a job more accessible, especially for students. The client approached us based on the accolades we have achieved in the specific field. We also shared a few samples of our former projects with him, which gave him an idea of the quality of our performance.

The Challenges We Encountered

The biggest challenge for us was the number of applications his company received monthly. His company received around 1000 applications every month, which meant that we needed to be immensely careful about not mixing even a single piece of information of one candidate with another.

Another challenge was to incorporate the feature within the portal, which would analyze if a particular candidate was eligible enough for a specific job position. We did know that incorporating intricate elements like these will require time, investment, and dedication.

The Sure-Fire Solutions We Incorporated

To fasten and smoothen the execution of the project, our client decided that he should include two of his employees as an extended team. We understood that having people from the company in our group will benefit the project's timely completion. Along with providing us with employee details, they also invested time and energy into researching the job portals of existing popular companies.

Their research gave them and us an idea about the features that an ideal job portal should have. More members in our team also meant we could divide duties and save time. Furthermore, our quality check experts ensured that the information automatically held in the portal is error-free in every testing process.

The Final Outcomes

Our dedicated employees made sure that we did not hamper the impression the client got about us from our previous projects in any manner. We created a job portal for our client with the work we put in, which made it drastically simpler for candidates from different streams to upload their details, resumes, and requirements. The portal was smooth enough for the employees of his company to respond to the candidates. Our client was delighted with the service we provided and the time we took to do so. He assured us to give us more similar projects in the future.

Choose Wordsys For Development Solutions

Our company has by now worked with clients from different parts of the world. We have continuously made sure that all our clients are satisfied with our dedication and perseverance. Be it, customers or clients, all of them have returned to us with new projects, and we still hold a solid professional relationship with them. We excel at providing high-quality services at reasonable prices.

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