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Case Study - Online Skill Assessment Software Development | Wordsys

About The Client

A client approached us to develop an app that could effectively and accurately allow its organization to document, assess, and analyse the employee's skill set, qualifications, proficiency, experiences to better rate their performance. The app should enrich the user-experience. While the client wanted an app that could run seamlessly with the best of features, they also required something that should end the unstructured and disengaged employee and the supervisor skill evaluation. They also wanted the app not just to assess their current employees but also a potential employee too. In addition to that, the app must help managers identify gaps among their team to train the employee and maximize their growth.

The Challenges We Faced Along The Process

Organizations are always looking for hiring candidates who have the maximum skills and can contribute to the company's growth. We needed to make sure that we build an app that will be an ideal way for the client to collect data and skills from the resume that they receive.

Frequently, candidates have the required technical skill requirements on their resume, but it can be time-consuming to assess their proficiency in their hands-on work with the technology. Such candidates may have an in-depth idea about the theory of the technology. However, they may not be as fluent in the practicality of it. We needed to ensure that the app we create must determine the exact proficiency of the candidate on a compact phone screen.

Some Of The Solutions We Found Out

We put our best foot forward and employed our best-in-class technology to make this skill assessment software. The traditional methods during candidate hiring resulted in a non-diverse team. While we built our app, keeping in mind that the assessment removes unintentional bias within the screening method and finds candidates from under-recognized backgrounds.

Our solution helped the client eliminate inaccuracy in assessment procedures and save hours of their valuable time. The measuring capabilities of the app helped gauge basic technical skills and enabled their team to focus their interviewing methods on the apt candidates. We also incorporated the option to set exact dates and set custom rating criteria for employee skill assessments. We made sure it becomes a single source of information for getting hold of the skills assessment data through the application.

The Core Features Of Our App

  • Set Targets:

The application allows the user to set targets for skills assessment to better how much should be enough to pass the test.

  • Set Dates:

Users could also select exact dates to conduct the employee or candidate skill assessment.

  • Outcome Tracker:

We also enabled the user to keep track of the outcomes for each employee, the teams, and the geographies.

  • Activity Log:

With our assessment app, users could maintain and supervise the activity log for employees in the organization.

  • Notifications:

A much easier option to inform employees about the upcoming assessment dates was the notification option.

  • Comment:

To maintain and constantly motivate employees, the client could also comment on their employees' progress.

  • Easy To Find Insights:

Our clients could use this app seamlessly as it had features like exporting the raw data to CSV, exporting results to PDF, and integrating via API to their HR platform.

The End Results

Our approach while building this app was simple yet powerful. We helped our clients assess and intuitively track their employees' skills. With time, they were able to gain meaningful insights into their abilities and learned about the best possible way to help them grow in the organization's ecosystem.

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