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Case Study - Web CRM System Development | Wordsys Technology

In the present time, CRM or Customer Relationship Management is a business function that is immensely integral to the proper growth of the business. Good management decides whether a particular client will continue to interact with you and give you new assignments.

A client visited us, who wanted us to develop a Customer Relationship Management system for his company. He tried to focus more on the relationship he had with his existing clients, which helped him come up with this idea. Using the system, he could essentially make sure that he was in constant contact with his clients and customers.

Implementation of CRM was undoubtedly the most effective way of running a business. However, it did come with its own set of challenges. We were confident that we needed to consider all the challenges and develop practical solutions to achieve the results we planned.

Some Of The Biggest Challenges We Faced

Following is the list of the most prevalent challenges we came across while developing a CRM system:

  • Convincing The People To Adapt Initially

We could believe that technological advancements would be the biggest challenge an organization would face, but it could not be any farther from reality. Technology change is intimidating. However, a more chronic issue is the adaptability of the people. Employees are generally used to the old traditional ways of connecting with customers; a whole new system might confuse them initially. Some might even feel uncomfortable in shifting to the new system. The disagreement might cause a rift between the marketing sales and customer service teams, which would impact the workforce. Some employees might also feel that their company is moving into an automated system and their jobs are at risk.

  • Approval From The Management

There might also be a solution when the company's higher management is not ready to shift entirely to an automated CRM system. There are many factors involved in the development of such a system – budget being the biggest one. Upper management might feel that the budget required to implement the system is not justified.

  • Data Security Is A Priority

Embracing the CRM system automatically meant that enormous reserves of data the system needed to transfer to the cloud. A considerable number of employees are comfortable accessing company data from the local server. They are already aware of the security protocols of the local server, so they might think that moving to a cloud server would put crucial company data in jeopardy.

Solutions We Figured Out To Combat The Challenges

We decided to address the three main issues and challenges mentioned above, among others, and came up with solutions for the same. As far as the employees are concerned, they are initially worried about shifting to a new system because the company itself fails to explain its strategy correctly.

The best solution we came up with was a proper strategy to be created before implementation, and we should inform the employees gradually in detail about it. Seniors should pass information from the top-down. Slowly everybody would understand the benefits of a CRM system and will embrace the same.

As far as management went, we came up with the solution that the best way to convince them was to inform them about the benefits of a CRM system properly—different employees from different sectors needed to enlighten them about how the system would be profitable.

For instance, the sales team members can inform the seniors about success stories about CRM systems. We decided to keep security as a top priority while developing the system. Using our system, every employee should find no hassle in accessing crucial data of the company. They should be able to track every piece of data and receive actionable insights.

The Final Results We Reaped

We considered all the challenges and came up with solutions that made it easier for us to implement all the necessary functionalities into the system to transition to the automated CRM system without any hassle.

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