IoT To Build Smart Cities With Its Smarter Connections

  • March 24th, 2020
  • BY
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  • Development

To balance the rapid rate of urbanization, IoT has entered the market to create smart cities. The infographic released by Raconteur explains how the Internet of Things (IoT) will be maintaining this balance by creating well-planned and sustainable smart cities.

In 2018, a population of over 4 billion was tracked to be living in cities, which was 6 times that in 1950, 751 million approx. In the coming three decades, this figure is presumed to cross around 6.5 billion.

By 2022, the expenditure on smart city project is to reach around $158 billion. The upcoming innovations are expected to show a relevant growth rate in the 5-year interval of 2017-2022:

  • Global CAGR on security force equipment to approximately reach 62%
  • Global CAGR on vehicle connectivity to approximately reach 49%
  • Global CAGR on open data access to approximately reach 25%
  • Global CAGR on smart trash management to approximately reach 23%
  • Global CAGR on smart pollution control to approximately reach 23%

Integrating these technological innovations in their smart city plan-of-action, cities will view an immensely progressive change. Here are a few innovative measures undertaken by the evolving smart cities of the world:

Smart Safety Management – To maintain public safety, cities have opted for live tracking of crime scenes, detecting gunshot counts and integrating predictive analysis method to forecast and avert crimes from happening. As per McKinsey, smart safety management technology can bring a fall of around 8-10% in crime rates.

Smart Traffic Management – This component opts for estimating the city’s potential in optimizing traffic using parameters like smart roads, smart vehicles, integrated live sensors and others. The live sensors installed on roads automatically send live traffic updates to designated traffic stations. Analysing these updates the traffic signals are automatically adjusted by the concerned team and the drivers can predict the traffic on their route and save their time.

Smart Environment Management – Pollution and scarcity of resources is the biggest challenge in the present world. Curtailing the dependence on electricity and heat generation by implementing smart solutions, cities can bring down greenhouse gas emission by around 15%. Smart vehicles to reduce dependency on petrol and diesel, smart water irrigation system to reduce water consumption, and City Air Management Tool to forecast the air quality are a few measures of IoT to maintain a healthy environment.

Other sectors covered by this smart innovation plan include health, parking, infrastructure, waste management, etc.

The growing advancement of 5G is the fuel to upcoming smart city innovations. Though each city has its unique plan-of-action, the application of IoT in building smart cities is evident all over the world.

Last updated June 23rd, 2022

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